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We continually learn God’s Word and put it into practice!

We spend time regularly in God’s presence by worshipping Him in Spirit and in truth.

*Worship is the logical and fitting response of a created and redeemed people to an uncreated and redeeming God (2 Samuel 7:18-26; Psalm 71:22-24; Psalm 77:11-15; Psalm 107:1-9; Romans 11:30-36). We are commanded to worship God (Deuteronomy 6:13; Psalm 29:1-2; Psalm 95:6; Psalm 96:8-9; Psalm 99:1-9; Psalm 100:1-5; Revelation 14:7).

*Fellowship and Relationship Building
We make fellowship a habit—meeting together with other believers in large meetings, in organized small groups and in various informal gatherings
*Evangelism and Discipleship
Empowered by the Holy Sprit, we practice evangelism by sharing the good news about salvation through Jesus Christ with the people we know.

*We don’t force Jesus on others, but when people respond to the message we embrace them and obey Jesus’ command (Matthew 28:19-20) by mentoring them in their new faith. We pass along the “whole will of God” (Acts 20:25-27) to new believers, teaching them to teach others to teach (2 Timothy 2:2) in order to reach an ever-expanding body of Christ (Mark 16:14-16).

We serve God, one another, those who don’t yet know Jesus, and our communities.

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